frequently asked questions

  1. How do I connect to Peloton?
  2. What transaction isolation level does Peloton support?
  3. Is Peloton an ACID DBMS?
  4. What are the upcoming features of Peloton?
  5. How do I enable the self-driving / autonomous tuning features?
  6. Where do I send bug requests or feature requests?
  1. How do I connect to Peloton?

    Peloton supports the Postgres wire-protocol and JDBC protocol. You can use the existing Postgres connection libraries (e.g., postgresql-9.4.1209.jre6.jar) You can also connect to it from the command-line using psql.

  2. What transaction isolation level does Peloton support?

    The system currently only supports SNAPSHOT ISOLATION. Peloton does not perform additional checks for phantoms in its indexes when the transaction commits.

  3. Is Peloton an ACID DBMS?

    Yes! It uses multi-version concurrency control to ensure that all transactions are atomic and isolated. Transactions are logged to durable storage before the system acknowledges the commit to the client.

  4. What are the upcoming features of Peloton?

    To be written…

  5. How do I enable the self-driving / autonomous tuning features?

    To be written…

  6. Where do I send bug requests or feature requests?

    To be written…